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File Type:Sid Meier's Railoads save game file
Category:Game file
File Description:

File extension SMRAILROADSSAVEDGAME entry has not yet been fully verified by team. It was added in the past to our library and appeared to be accurate.
If you know more or some useful information about SMRAILROADSSAVEDGAME file extension, please send us a message by clicking on submit extension button at the top of page.

Open Programs:

Sid Meiter's Railoads

Company / developer:
  Firaxis Games

Raiload Tycoon game
File Type:BioWare Aurora game engine faction file
Category:Game file
File Description:A Faction is a control system for determining how game objects interact with each other in terms of friendly, neutral, and hostile reactions. Faction information is stored in the repute.fac file in a module or savegame. This file uses BioWare's Generic File Format (GFF), and it is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with GFF.
Open Programs:

Neverwinter Nights

Company / developer:

Neverwinter Nights (NWN) is a computer game set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. This role-playing game (RPG) puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war, and betrayal.
As a player, you are able to choose what skills and abilities you will develop as you voyage though the complex and dangerous fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Be a deadly and dangerous Rogue moving through the shadows using stealth and secrecy, be a scholarly Wizard and wield powerful magic against your enemies, be a hulking Barbarian whose lust for battle is matched only by his terrible rage, be an armor-clad Paladin who protects the innocent and vanquishes his foes, be a crusading Cleric who heals the sick and defends the helpless… be all this and more.

Neverwinter Nights allows you to create your own worlds. This revolutionary game will come with all the tools needed to construct your own unique lands of adventure. The Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset allows even novice users to construct everything from a quiet, misty forest or a dripping cavern of foul evil, to a king’s court. All the monsters, items, set pieces and settings are there for world builders to use. But do not stop there; construct traps, encounters, custom monsters and magic items to make your adventure unique.

But the Neverwinter experience is not just for one person- adventure with all your friends. Neverwinter Nights can be played online with up to 64 friends, all sharing in the adventure. You can organize and run your own adventures through the role of the Dungeon Master and control all the monsters, creatures and characters your friends meet as they journey on their quest. A powerful piece of software that is included with Neverwinter Nights, the DM Client, allows nearly unlimited control for running your own adventures for your friends.

Neverwinter Nights…endless adventure!

File Type:F-22 Lightning Gravis joystick control file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by F-22 Lightning. Gravis joystick control file.
Open Programs:

F-22 Lightning

Company / developer:

ass Destruction! Use tactical nuclear weapons to level entire city regions. The most realistic weather environments ever created Changing weather effects including: rain, snow, hail, and wind Extreme temperatures affect flight performance. Fly it yourself or let the world's most advanced fighter do it for you!

File Type:Call Of Duty game file
Category:Game file
File Description:FF file contains data for Call Of Duty, such as language, logos, pictures.
Open Programs:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Company / developer:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for the PlayStation 3, Windows, and the Xbox 360. It is scheduled for release for Mac OS X in the third quarter of 2008. It is the fourth installment of the Call of Duty video game series, excluding expansion packs. The game breaks away from the World War II setting of previous games in the series and is instead set in modern times. The game is the first in the series to be rated Mature in North America. The title and game details were announced on April 25, 2007, and the game was released worldwide between November 6, 2007 and November 9, 2007. It became available on Steam on November 6, 2007 for pre-purchase, and was available to play on November 12, 2007.

The story is centered around a fictional near-future conflict involving the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia, who are fighting against Russian ultranationalists in civil war torn Russia, and rebels that have staged a coup d'état in a small Middle Eastern country. It is told from the perspectives of a United States Marine and a member of the British SAS, and is set in multiple locations, including the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Prypiat, Ukraine. The multiplayer portion of the game features various game modes, and contains a leveling system that allows the player to unlock additional weapons, weapon attachments, and camouflage schemes as they advance. The game was in development for two years. It uses a proprietary game engine, and includes features that include true world-dynamic lightning, HDR lighting effects, dynamics shadows, and depth of field.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare received considerable praise and has won numerous awards from gaming websites, including IGN's "Best Xbox 360 Game". It was the top-selling game worldwide for 2007, reaching over seven million copies as of January 2008.

File Type:Freedom Force game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game archive contains sounds, music, models, maps and etc...
Open Programs:

Freedom Force

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

The alien mentalist Mentor, fleeing Lord Dominion and his invading forces, heads towards Earth in a small spaceship containing many canisters of the mysterious "Energy X." Lord Dominion's ships pursue Mentor and destroy his craft just outside the Earth's atmosphere; the blast scatters containers of the substance over the metropolis of Patriot City. Energy X strikes several of the city's inhabitants, giving them superpowers that typically echo their personality traits (for instance, Minuteman's staunch patriotism and El Diablo's fiery temper) or draw on the situation they were in when energized (e.g., The Ant or Nuclear Winter). Most of the game is set in Patriot City, but a number of other locations and time periods are used, including magical realms, prehistoric times, and realms entirely removed from time and space.

File Type:Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game archive contains sounds, music, models, maps and etc...
Open Programs:

Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Nuclear Winter steals Time Master's inert body and uses it to steal nuclear missiles from the Cuban missile crisis in an effort to start a nuclear war between the United States and the USSR. Freedom Force foils his plot, but on the return trip, the timeline changes and Freedom Force finds that the Axis powers achieved victory in World War II. Using the disturbance in the timeline to guide them, Mentor projects the heroes back in the timestream to battle the villainous Blitzkrieg, who created the timeline disturbance, where they meet and team up with heroes of that age. In the course of Blitzkrieg's defeat, Alchemiss gains powers from Time Master's body, frees Man-Bot from the Celestial Clock, but goes insane over the sudden expansion of her powers and becomes Entropy, who threatens time and space. Entropy is eventually defeated. Briefly asserting her original personality, Alchemiss prevents herself from ever existing so she cannot become Entropy, but suddenly finds herself face to face with a strange being...Energy X.

File Type:Constructor animation file
Category:Game file
File Description:These are animations in the good ol' Autodesk Animator format. You can play them with QuickTime. File extension is used by old computer game Constructor. Crated by System 3.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Apple QuickTime

The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications work together to provide the industry’s first end-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system.

File Type:Painkiller Overdose game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Painkiller Overdose.
Open Programs:

Painkiller Overdose

Company / developer:
  Mindware Studios, s.r.o.

Painkiller Overdose

Delve into this sequel to the highly successful shoot-out game Painkiller, subtitled Overdose. Belial, descendant of an angel and demon, had long been imprisoned by Lucifer, who wants to abuse his unique abilities, namely the capacity to travel between different dimensions. Lucifer’s endeavours to subjugate Belial´s willpower fail, and nobody should be surprised to see Belial succeed in escaping from Lucifer´s prison, after which genuine hell is let loose on Earth.

Painkiller Overdose offers exactly what you cannot find in other “shoot-´em-all“ games. Action-packed and fast-moving plot, variegated and constantly changing settings, plus an unusual arsenal of weapons and, naturally, also a great number of various enemies that seem to come directly out of a madman’s mind. We have retained everything you liked so much in the original Painkiller, adding many novelties. So do not hesitate. Somewhere down in hell there is somebody waiting for you to come and give him a kick in the pants.

File Type:Miles Sound System file
Category:Game file
File Description:The Miles Sound System is one of the most popular pieces of middleware ever released. It has been licensed for over 4,500 games on 14 different platforms!

John Miles first released MSS in 1991 in the early days of PC gaming. Today, Miles features a no-compromise API that integrates 2D and 3D digital audio with features like streaming, environmental reverb, multistage DSP filtering, and multichannel mixing, and highly-optimized audio decoders.

Miles is the most sophisticated, most robust, and most fully featured sound system available for your games.
Open Programs:

SimCity Societies

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Featuring an all-new, revolutionary feature set, SimCity Societies allows players to create their own kinds of cities, shape their cultures, societal behaviours and environments. Build an artistic city, an Orwellian city, futuristic city, green city, spiritual community or any society you want! With more accessible and innovative choices than before, SimCity Societies is the most versatile city building game.


* SimCity Societies is the most versatile city building game.
o Combine and connect elements of your city like never before with the ultimate building block tool kit.
o This innovative, modular approach to city-building makes SimCity Societies accessible to players of all levels, while still providing tremendous new possibilities to veteran players of the SimCity™ series.
* Shape your city by choosing your values
o Mix and match societal values—productivity, prosperity, creativity, spirituality, authority, and knowledge—to determine the core attributes of your city.
o Witness the evolution of your city as its appearance and sounds adapt to reflect these values.
* Build unique homes, workplaces, leisure-time venues, and parks.
o Choose from more than 500 unique objects which can be combined and connected in almost limitless combinations.
o Take inspiration from a variety of architectural styles, ranging from the realistic to the fanciful, rural to urban, industrial to futuristic.
o As your city evolves, you unlock new buildings to advance your society.
* Share your creations with your friends online.
o Modify almost everything in the game, from the names of your Sims and buildings, to building textures and statistics, and even Sim behaviours.

File Type:Flight Simulator Game Saved File
Category:Game file
File Description:Flight Simulator Saved Flight In Progress
Open Programs:

Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Game Studios

Microsoft® Flight Simulator X is the culmination of nearly 25 years of the landmark Flight Simulator franchise—the most significant addition to date.

Flight Simulator X immerses you in a beautifully rich and realistic world with dozens of aircraft and interactive Missions for a completely new and innovative gaming experience. Free Flight lets you fly anywhere in the world, from your hometown airport to the most exotic places you’ve ever dreamed of.

Gamers and simmers of all ages and skill levels feel firsthand what it’s like to be an aviator traveling the globe solo or online with others.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC