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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of SGR, SHP, SIN, SIN, SKN, SLP, SMA, SMD, SMD

File Type:SimCity 4 graphics rules
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by SimCity 4.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

SimCity is a city-building simulation game, first released in 1989 and designed by Will Wright. SimCity was Maxis' first product, which has since been ported into various personal computers and game consoles, and enhanced into several different versions including SimCity 2000 in 1993, SimCity 3000 in 1999, SimCity 4 in 2003, and SimCity DS and SimCity Societies in 2007. The original SimCity was later renamed SimCity Classic. Until the release of The Sims in 2000, the SimCity series was the best-selling line of computer games made by Maxis.

File Type:Command & Conquer file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Command & Conquer.
Open Programs:

Command and Conquer 3

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic Arts for the Windows and Xbox 360 platforms, and the long-awaited sequel to the 1999 RTS title Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and its expansion pack Firestorm, by Westwood Studios. Tiberium Wars was released internationally in March 2007, featuring the introduction of a new third faction to the Tiberian series of the Command & Conquer games, and becoming the second C&C title in which players are able to upgrade their forces. It was announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 11, 2007 that the game will also become available on Mac OS X.

A special release edition of 100,000 copies, called the Kane Edition, was also released.

File Type:SiN game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game archive contains game files (maps, graphics, music, sounds, textures) for SiN.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

Set in the near future of 2037, many of the levels and locations are reminiscent of their current day equivalents. Banks, building sites, sewage works and other everyday recognisable buildings form the basis of many of the levels in SiN. One major difference in the world of SiN is the lack of a police force. 10 years prior to the game, it is revealed that the police force collapsed due to inefficiency and ineffectiveness against the rising tide of crime. Private security companies have taken their place, some patrolling the streets like the former police, some in charge of protecting their employer's assets.

One of these companies which employ their own armed security forces are SiNtek, a large multi-national biotechnology firm owned by the beautiful and charismatic Elexis Sinclaire. Formed in 2005 by Elexis' father, Dr. Thrall Sinclaire, Elexis took over the firm following the disappearance of her father.

The protagonist of the game, Col. John Blade, is the commander of one of the largest security forces in the city of Freeport, HardCorps. Prior to the beginning of the game, John is working to rid the streets of a potent new recreational drug named U4, which is gaining in popularity in Freeport. Yet, the source of the drug is still unknown, and its effects not entirely studied. As the game begins, the player is placed into the shoes of John Blade as he responds to a full scale bank heist and hostage situation perpetrated by a well known criminal, Mancini. But as the player progresses and pursues the criminals behind the heist, further questions are raised: Who is really behind the heist? And is this linked to the reported appearance of mutants in the city?

Throughout the missions, Blade is aided via radio link by a hacker working at HardCorps, JC. JC is a skilled hacker, capable of breaking into even the tightest of networks. In fact, Blade first found out about JC when investigating a hacker who had broken into the HardCorps system. After tracking down the hacker, Blade, recognising the perpetrator's talents, decided to make him a job offer at HardCorps instead of arresting him. Thus, JC became one of HardCorps most valuable assets.

File Type:Rise of Nations campaign media file
Category:Game file
File Description:Campaign file used by Rise of Nations computer game.
Open Programs:

Rise of Nations

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Rise of Nations

Rise of Nations is a new historical real time strategy game from Big Huge Games’ Brian Reynolds, designer of PC game classics such as Civilization 2 and Alpha Centauri.
In Rise of Nations, you'll create new cities, improve city infrastructures and expand national borders. Conquer foes through military might using everything from sling-shots to cannons to stealth bombers to nuclear weapons; corner the market on key commodities and consolidate power under your rule; wheel and deal across time with history's eminent cultures.


  • Cross genre gameplay.
  • Zooming scale.
  • Streamlined Fast Paced Multiplayer.
  • Research more than 50 different technologies.
  • Lead one of 18 Historical Nations.
  • Conquer the World Campaign.
  • 32 Rare Resources.
  • Never depleting resources.
  • Smart Citizens.
  • Learn to play.
  • In-depth game features.
  • Multiple victory conditions.
File Type:The Sims 3D body mesh skin data
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by The Sims for 3D body mesh skin data.
Open Programs:

The Sims

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

The Sims

The Sims is about creating, managing, and controlling the lives of tiny computerized people who dwell in miniature homes. The game's excellent music and sound effects, detailed scenery, cleverly animated characters, and equally clever writing go a long way toward fulfilling this intriguing premise. Yet though you can exercise a considerable amount of control over your sims' behavior and lifestyles, The Sims' actual gameplay is rather limited in some respects - either by odd inconsistencies or by actual restrictions placed on your actions. But to the game's credit, the most objectionable thing about these occasional limits is how starkly they contrast with the otherwise tremendous freedom you have to lead your sims' lives.

File Type:Rise of Nations campaign media file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Rise of Nations. Campaign media file.
Open Programs:

Rise of Nations

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Rise of Nations

Rise of Nations is a new historical real time strategy game from Big Huge Games’ Brian Reynolds, designer of PC game classics such as Civilization 2 and Alpha Centauri.
In Rise of Nations, you'll create new cities, improve city infrastructures and expand national borders. Conquer foes through military might using everything from sling-shots to cannons to stealth bombers to nuclear weapons; corner the market on key commodities and consolidate power under your rule; wheel and deal across time with history's eminent cultures.


  • Cross genre gameplay.
  • Zooming scale.
  • Streamlined Fast Paced Multiplayer.
  • Research more than 50 different technologies.
  • Lead one of 18 Historical Nations.
  • Conquer the World Campaign.
  • 32 Rare Resources.
  • Never depleting resources.
  • Smart Citizens.
  • Learn to play.
  • In-depth game features.
  • Multiple victory conditions.
File Type:Counter-Strike add-on source code
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by AMX Mod. AMX Mod is a MetaMod plugin that allows you to write scripts for Half-Life and its Mods, using Compuphase's SmallC scripting language.
Open Programs:

Half-Life: Counter Strike

Company / developer:

Half-Life:Counter Strike

It's a little ironic that one of the most frequently played online games these days isn't a game at all. It's Counter-Strike, the Half-Life add-on that was created by two enthusiasts and a handful of amateur level designers. Counter-Strike has undergone many facelifts in its two-year existence, and with more than 4,000 servers hosting the game at any given moment, it has burgeoned into one of the most addictive games you'll find online.

Counter-Strike is a game of kill or be killed. But unlike Quake III: Arena or Unreal Tournament, it's not a mindless action game that involves nothing more than twitch-shooting. Counter-Strike brings a certain level of realism into the arena of multiplayer first-person shooters, stresses the importance of team unity and punishes anyone who tries to hog all the glory. Counter-Strike has been around in beta form for nearly two years, so anyone who's picked up the recently released retail package is bound to face some truly experienced players. This guide is meant to initiate new users to the world of Counter-Strike by providing comprehensive strategies for each map and gameplay mode and useful tips for each game weapon.

File Type:Source engine SDK model source file
Category:Game file
File Description:The Source engine is a 3D game engine developed by Valve Corporation. The engine supports Microsoft Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Xbox, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

It debuted in October 2004 with Counter-Strike: Source and shortly thereafter Half-Life 2. Other games using the engine include Team Fortress 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and Mabinogi Heroes.
Open Programs:

Half-Life 2

Company / developer:

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 (HL2) is a science fiction first-person shooter computer game that is the sequel to Half-Life. It was developed by the Valve Software Corporation and was released on November 16, 2004, following a protracted five-year development cycle during which the game's source code was leaked to the Internet. The game garnered near unanimous positive reviews and received critical acclaim, winning over 35 Game of the Year awards for 2004. Originally available only for Windows-based personal computers, the game has since been ported onto the Xbox and Xbox 360 console, and is also due to be released for the PlayStation 3 in late 2007.

Taking place in and around the fictional City 17, Half-Life 2 follows the scientist Gordon Freeman. Dr. Freeman is thrust into a dystopian environment in which the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident has come to bear fully upon human society. Freeman is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various allies, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts.

The game uses the Source game engine, which includes a heavily modified version of the Havok physics engine. Half-Life 2 has been critically acclaimed for advances in computer animation, sound, narration, computer graphics, artificial intelligence (AI) and physics. As of June 8, 2006, over four million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold. Exact numbers for digital delivery service Steam and retail have not been revealed, but in general, the former accounts for 25% of Valve's business and is significantly more profitable per unit. Overall, the Half-Life franchise, including Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat, has sold over 20 million units.

File Type:Sega Genesis ROM emulator file
Category:Game file
File Description:Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulator ROM image.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

Fusion(formerly known as "Kega II" and Kega Fusion) is a Sega SG1000, SC3000, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X emulator for Win9x/ME/2000/XP.

File Type:Warcraft 2 (Wargus/Stratagus) map file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Warcraft 2 (Wargus mod) computer game. File contains single map.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Wargus is a Warcraft2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft2 with the Stratagus engine, as opposed to play it with the original Warcraft2 one. So unless you have a legal copy of Warcraft2 (original DOS Version required, won't work with the edition) Wargus will be pretty useless to you, since it doesn't come with any graphics or sounds itself.

So why play Warcraft2 with the Stratagus engine instead of the original Warcraft2 one? There are numerous reasons, first it allows you to play Warcraft2 under GNU/Linux and other operating systems not supported by the original Warcraft2 engine, secondly it allows you to play over the internet, which the original Warcraft2 engine didn't allow you to. Last not least the Stratagus engine allows you to tweak numerous parameters so you can play around with different unit strength and such.

Since Wargus uses a different engine, not all things will work 100% the same as they did in the original Warcraft2, if you want the original unchanged Warcraft2 experience, you will still have to use the original Warcraft2.

Wargus is not an official Blizzard product, its a Warcraft2 modification, by Warcraft2 fans for Warcraft2 fans. You need a copy of the original Warcraft2 DOS version to make use of Wargus, it will not work with the Edition. Warcraft is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment.

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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC