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File extension Details of LUA, INC, IDB, IML, KDEVDLG, IWS, ISS, ISC, I
Name: | LUA |
File Type: | Lua Source File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Source code written in Lua, a light-weight programming language designed for extending applications; can be compiled into a program using an ANSI C compiler. LUA files may be used to customize certain applications, such as the Dawn of War video game; Adobe Lightroom's interface is also written in Lua. "Lua" comes from the Portuguese word for moon. |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
ANSI C compiler Edit with a text editor Windows ANSI C compiler Dawn of War Mod Tools Edit with a text editor Linux ANSI C compiler Edit with a text editor |

Name: | INC |
File Type: | Include File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Text file containing declarations, headers, functions, or other data referenced by a program's source code; can be used with C/C++, Pascal, Java, PHP (Web pages), and other languages. INC files help make programming more efficient because one file can be referenced by many other files instead of having to rewrite the code multiple times. |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
Editable with a text editor Various software development programs Windows Editable with a text editor Various software development programs |

Name: | IDB |
File Type: | Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Intermediate file created by a Visual Studio program, such as Visual C++, during the debugging process; saves the compiler's state and is used for minimal program rebuilds and incremental compilations. |
Open Programs: | Windows Microsoft Visual Studio |

Name: | IML |
File Type: | IntelliJ IDEA Module |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Module file used by IntelliJ IDEA, a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment); may contain references to sources, javadocs, and other files used by a program; typically referenced in the source code of an IntelliJ IDEA program. IML files can be created by the developer or automatically generated by the IntelliJ program; they can also be generated by third-party programs such as Maven with the IDEA plugin (using the "idea:module" function). |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA View in a text editor Windows JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA View in a text editor Linux JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA View in a text editor |

Name: | KDEVDLG |
File Type: | KDevelop Dialog Box File |
Popularity: | 1 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Contains text strings used for KDevelop dialog boxes; may be referenced by KDevelop programming projects; can be edited with KDevelop's Dialogeditor or converted to a .UI file using the kdevdlg2ui script. |
Open Programs: | Linux Free Software Foundation KDevelop |

Name: | IWS |
File Type: | IntelliJ IDEA Web Page |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Dynamic Web page created with IntelliJ IDEA, a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment); when accessed by a user, the Java syntax is processed on the Web server and the resulting HTML is sent to the client's Web browser. IntelliJ IDEA Web pages have URLs that end in ".iws." |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
View in a Web browser Create or edit with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Windows View in a Web browser Create or edit with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Linux View in a Web browser Create or edit with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA |

Name: | ISS |
File Type: | InstallShield Silent Response |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Contains automated responses used for software installations; automatically answers user prompts so the user does not need to enter any information during the installation |
Open Programs: | Windows Macrovision InstallShield |

Name: | ISC |
File Type: | Xilinx Device Configuration File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Stores configuration information for a Xilinx ISE (Integrated Software Environment) project; used for programming computer hardware devices, such as microprocessors |
Open Programs: | Windows Xilinx iMPACT or other ISE design software Linux Xilinx iMPACT or other ISE design software |

Name: | I |
File Type: | INTERCAL Source File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Contains source code written in INTERCAL, a programming language designed to be different than all other major program languages; uses commands such as "DO," "NEXT," "PLEASE," and "FORGET." The INTERCAL compiler is called the "Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym." |
Open Programs: |

Name: | M4 |
File Type: | Macro Processor Library |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | developer |
File Description: | Library of m4 functions and macros that are used by the Unix macro processor |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
Edit with a text editor Windows Edit with a text editor Linux Run using the Unix m4 or GNU m4 program |

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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC