Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PACKAGE, PRX, PKG, PXP, POF, POG, PQHERO, PIG, PIG

File Type:The Sims 2 Package File
File Description:Resource package used by The Sims 2, The Sims Online and SimCity 4; contains characters, objects, and neighborhood information; saved in the standard DBPF archive format used by many EA games.
Open Programs: Mac OS Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Windows Electronic Arts The Sims 2
Edit with ambertation SimPE
File Type:PSP Plugin File
File Description:Data file used for updating the firmware of the PlayStation Portable (PSP); can upgrade custom firmware and may be included with firmware dumps; often used to add extra features such enabling screen captures and adding Flash support to the Web browser.
Open Programs: Windows AceHack PRX Installer
WeeJeWel's PRX Manager
File Type:PlayStation Store Downloaded Package
File Description:File downloaded from Sony's PlayStation Store, an online store with games, movies, and demos for PS3 and PSP devices; used specifically for downloadable games, game updates, and demos; saved in an encrypted format that is only recognized by compatible Sony devices.

Packages downloaded from the PlayStation Store can be transferred to a PSP or PS3 via USB, Memory Stick, or a network connection.
Open Programs: Mac OS Transfer to a Sony PS3 or PSP Windows Transfer to a Sony PS3 or PSP
File Type:Counter-Strike PODBot Experience File
File Description:Contains experience information for PODBots in Counter-Strike; "PODBot" stands for "Ping of Death" Bot and is a character that uses artificial intelligence to move and perform objectives in Counter-Strike; PXP files are typically associated with a specific bot waypoint (.PWF) file.
Open Programs: Windows Valve Half-Life Counter-Strike
File Type:Descent Robot Definition File
File Description:Defines characteristics of robots in the Descent 3D action game
Open Programs: Mac OS Interplay Descent Windows Interplay Descent
File Type:Descent 2 Texture Modification
File Description:Contains a set of textures that replaces ones in the original Descent 2 PIG texture file
Open Programs: Mac OS Interplay Descent 2 Windows Interplay Descent 2
File Type:Puzzle Quest Saved Game
File Description:Game saved in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, a puzzle-based role playing game (RPG); saves the player's progress and game statistics so that gameplay can be resumed at a later time.

Puzzle Quest saved games are named "[hero name].pqhero;" in order to load the saved game on a different computer, the filename must match the name of the hero on the other system.
Open Programs: Windows Infinite Interactive Puzzle Quest
File Type:Pirates of the Burning Sea Data File   (Most common)
File Description:Game data file used by "Pirates of the Burning Sea," a subscription-based online multiplayer game; may contain maps, audio data, 3D models, textures, or other data used by the game; stored by default in the "piggs" directory.

Pirates of the Burning Sea is developed by Flying Lab Software and published by Sony Online Entertainment in the USA.
Open Programs: Windows Flying Lab Software Pirates of the Burning Sea
File Type:Descent Texture File
File Description:Contains textures used in the Descent 1 and 2 video games; may also store sound effects and model data for Descent 1
Open Programs: Mac OS Interplay Descent
Interplay Descent 2 Windows Interplay Descent
Interplay Descent 2
File Type:Id Software Game Mod File
File Description:Compressed game data file used by Id Software games, such as Quake III and Return to Castle Wolfenstein; also used by other 3D action games such as Jedi Knight and Soldier of Fortune 2; may contain custom maps, textures, audio clips, or other data used for modifying gameplay.

Quake III PK3 map files should be saved in one of the following directories: "quake3/q3ut3/," "/quake3/baseq3/," or "/quake3arena/q3ut3/."

PK3 files are similar to .PAK game data files, but are based on a newer format; the contents of a PK3 file can be extracted using a file decompression program such as Corel WinZip or PKWARE PKZIP.
Open Programs: Windows Mod Editor
PakScape PK3 Navigator
Referenced by various 3D action games

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC