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File extension Details of PRF, PRF, PRF, PRF, PREF, PRX, PROPERTIES, PIE, PMC
Name: | PRF |
File Type: | Outlook Profile File (Most common) |
Popularity: | 5 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | User profile referenced by Microsoft Outlook that contains user information and preferences; includes mail account settings, signatures, references to mail folders, and other settings; when Outlook imports a PRF file, the user profile settings are immediately updated. PRF files can also be created using Microsoft's Office Resource Kit; the files can then be deployed to multiple systems using the Custom Installation Wizard (CIW) or other maintenance wizard included with the Office Resource Kit. |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Microsoft Windows Microsoft |

Name: | PRF |
File Type: | Director Preferences File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Stores program settings for Adobe Director (formerly Macromedia Director); may also contain settings for Director Xtras, such as Media Lab's PhotoCaster. The main Director settings file is named "Director.prf." |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Macromedia Director Windows Macromedia Director |

Name: | PRF |
File Type: | ClarisWorks Preference File |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Stores preferences for ClarisWorks, such as toolbar positioning and Welcome screen options; should be named "CLWORKS.PRF" and placed in the CLARIS directory; can be deleted to restore the program's default preferences. ClarisWorks is a Macintosh productivity suite developed by Apple that was later also made available for Windows computers; it was later replaced by AppleWorks. |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Apple ClarisWorks Windows Apple ClarisWorks |

Name: | PRF |
File Type: | FileNet eForms Form Preferences File |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Contains user preferences for a form created with FileNet eForms electronic form design software; saved in the user's "Template Preferences" folder for each form accessed. |
Open Programs: | Windows IBM FileNet eForms |

Name: | PREF |
File Type: | Macintosh Preferences File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Contains settings and user preferences for a specific application program; typically stored in the same folder as the application or in the User/Library/Preferences directory |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
Referenced by the corresponding program not meant to be opened separately |

Name: | PRX |
File Type: | Windows Media Profile (Most common) |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | XML file that contains a user or language profile; referenced by Windows Media Player and Windows Media Encoder; supported by Windows Media Player 9 and later. |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Microsoft Windows Media Player Windows Microsoft Windows Media Player |

File Type: | Java Properties File |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Stores the properties of a java-based program; contains a list of name/value pairs separated by equal signs; used by Apache Web server software, Firefox, and other programs. |
Open Programs: |
Mac OS
Referenced by Java programs Edit with a text editor Windows Referenced by Java programs Edit with a text editor |

Name: | PIE |
File Type: | GlovePIE Controller Script |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Script that allows a hardware controller to work with GlovePIE (Glove Programmable Input Emulator); maps hardware functions, such as movements and button actions, to software commands; allows non-PC input devices (not just gloves) to be used with a Windows computer. GlovePIE scripts are available for a wide range of devices, including gloves, joysticks, gamepads, microphones, the Wii Remote, and several other controllers. |
Open Programs: | Windows GlovePIE |

Name: | PMC |
File Type: | Performance Monitor Counter File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Contains settings for Performance Monitor, a system monitoring program for Windows NT and Windows Server; includes charting configuration options and Counter Monitor settings that specific which processes to monitor. |
Open Programs: | Windows Microsoft Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) |

Name: | PIP |
File Type: | Office Personalized Settings File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | settings |
File Description: | Preference file used by Microsoft Office programs to store "Personalized Menus and Toolbars" settings; created by each Office application by evaluating what menu commands are used most; only commonly used commands are then displayed in a shortened version of each menu. PIP files are saved in the Application Data\Microsoft\Office directory and are named [program].pip; for example, Microsoft Word's menu settings file may be named "Word.pip" or "Word11.pip." NOTE: The menu options in Office programs can be manually customized by selecting View menu->Toolbars->Customize, then clicking the "Options" tab. |
Open Programs: | Windows Microsoft Office programs |

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