Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PROFIMAIL, PLS, PH, PLIST, SW2, SSS, SRS, SOL, SKZ

File Type:ProfiMail Settings File
File Description:Contains user settings for ProfiMail, an e-mail program for mobile devices; includes Accounts, Rules, and Signatures settings; typically named "Settings.profimail."

The ProfiMail Settings file can be exported from the program, then transferred to another device using Bluetooth, e-mail, or through a computer.
Open Programs: Pocket PC Lonely Cat Games ProfiMail
File Type:PicoLog Settings File
File Description:Stores data capture settings for PicoLog, a data acquisition program included with Pico data logger devices; can be saved manually by selecting "File->Save As..." within the current session.

The file recorder.pls contains information about the current recording session, while player.pls contains information about the current player session.

The data contained in the recorder.pls file is also written to the end of each related .PLW data file.
Open Programs:
File Type:AOL Phone Home Settings
File Description:Contains information used by America Online for connecting to the AOL server and downloading updates; used by AOL clients versions 6 through 9; typically named "IPH.PH"
Open Programs: Mac OS America Online 6 or later Windows America Online 6 or later
File Type:Mac OS X Property List File
File Description:Preference file, also known as a "properties file," used by Mac OS X applications; formatted in XML and based on Apple's Core Foundation DTD; contains properties and configuration settings for various programs.

PLIST files are text-based documents and can be edited with a text editor; however, they typically should not be edited by the user, since they are modified by their respective programs as needed.

Property list files included with applications can be created and edited by the developer using Apple's Property List Editor, which is included with Apple Developer Tools; they can also be opened and edited using a third-party PLIST editing program.
Open Programs: Mac OS Apple Property List Editor
PlistEdit Pro
Late Night Software Property List Tools
Editable with a text editor
File Type:Softwrap License File
File Description:License control file created by Softwrap, a software DRM program often used for e-commerce applications; stores the software license that authorizes a program to be used by a specific user or group.
Open Programs: Windows Softwrap API
Referenced by the program the license is created for
File Type:WindowBlinds Substyle File
File Description:Contains a variation of a skin style used by Stardock WindowBlinds, a program for customizing the Windows user interface; defines the appearance, positioning and other characteristics of the skin.

The default skin style has a .UIS extension, while alternative styles or "substyles" have an ".sss" file extension.

SSS files are also used by Stardock SkinStudio, a skin editor for WindowBlinds.
Open Programs: Windows Stardock WindowBlinds
Stardock SkinStudio
File Type:Outlook Send/Receive Settings File
File Description:Stores send and receive e-mail settings for Microsoft Outlook; can store group settings for users with multiple e-mail accounts; may be modified within Outlook by selecting Options->Mail Setup->Send/Receive Settings.

The Outlook Send and Receive settings file is typically named "OUTLOOK.SRS."
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Outlook 2002 and later
File Type:Flash Local Shared Object File
File Description:Contains user data and settings stored by Macromedia Flash Player 6 and later (now Adobe Flash Player); similar to a cookie saved from a Web page, but is used specifically by Flash Player.

SOL files can be opened and edited with SolVE: the Local Shared Object Viewer/Editor; more information about SolVE can be found at the SolVE website.
Open Programs: Mac OS Referenced by Adobe Flash Player
Edit with SolVE Windows Referenced by Adobe Flash Player
Edit with SolVE
File Type:SuperKaramba Theme
File Description:Theme file used by SuperKaramba, a program for modifying the look and feel of the KDE desktop; may also include widgets or other interactive "eye candy" that can be added to the KDE interface; saved in a compressed package format.
Open Programs: Linux SuperKaramba
Plasma desktop
File Type:Software License File
File Description:Text file containing software license information for a Unix program; usually installed in the /lib/ directory once the software has been registered; similar to a .LIC file used by Macintosh and Windows programs.
Open Programs: Linux Referenced by the program that created the license file
May be readable with a text editor

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC