Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of DBG, DSW, DS_STORE, RPS, KYS, KEY, ATF, ASL, ARP

File Type:FoxPro Debugger Configuration
File Description:Contains settings used by FoxPro to debug FoxPro database applications
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Visual FoxPro
File Type:Visual C++ Workspace File
File Description:Contains user workspace settings for Microsoft Visual C++ development software; saves the current state of the interface by recording the size and position of open windows and palettes; can be loaded at a later time to resort back to the saved interface.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Visual C++ .NET
File Type:Mac OS X Folder Settings File
File Description:Stores viewing preferences for a folder in Mac OS X; includes information about the folder's window location, window size, what view option has been selected (icon, list, or column), and the layout of icons in the window.

DS_STORE files are usually invisible, but may become visible when copied over a network, copied to a Windows computer, or restored from a backup; the DS_STORE file can be deleted from within a folder without affecting any of the data inside the folder; if the DS_STORE file is removed, the folder will open using the Finder's default view settings.

DS stands for "Desktop Services."
Open Programs: Mac OS Mac OS X Finder (not opened manually)
File Type:3ds Max Render Preset Settings
File Description:Contains settings for rendering scenes within Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk VIZ; includes room, lighting, and camera information; can be used for rendering multiple 3D scenes or objects with the same settings.
Open Programs: Windows Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk VIZ
File Type:Adobe Photoshop CS Keyboard Shortcut File
File Description:Stores custom keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop CS; allows different key combinations to activate menu options and other commands; for example, the shortcut for opening the Curves window could be changed from the default Command-M to Command-Option-C.
Open Programs: Mac OS Adobe Photoshop CS Windows Adobe Photoshop CS
File Type:Keyboard Definition File
File Description:Defines keyboard shortcuts or keyboard layouts for different languages; maps keys to different characters for different languages; stores custom keyboard shortcuts for some programs.
Open Programs: Mac OS Operating System (for keyboard layouts)
Programs that support custom keyboard shortcuts Windows Operating System (for keyboard layouts)
Programs that support custom keyboard shortcuts
File Type:Photoshop Transfer Function File
File Description:Stores transfer information used to compensate for dot gain/loss when an image is transferred to film; can add or subtract dot percentages, which enables pictures to be printed with consistent color.

Transfer settings can be created by clicking the "Transfer" button in the Photoshop Print dialog box; the settings can be saved as an ATF file by clicking "Save" in the resulting dialog box.
Open Programs: Mac OS Adobe Photoshop Windows Adobe Photoshop
File Type:Photoshop Style
File Description:Style that can be applied to an object or layer in a Photoshop document; may include effects like a bevel, drop shadow, color overlay, or border
Open Programs: Mac OS Adobe Photoshop Windows Adobe Photoshop
File Type:Advanced RAR Password Recovery Setup
File Description:Preference file that contains the program setup for Advanced RAR Password Recovery (ARPR), a password recovery program; can be saved by pressing the "Save setup" button and loaded by pressing the "Read setup button."
Open Programs: Windows Elcomsoft Advanced RAR Password Recovery (ARPR)
File Type:Aston Compiled Theme
File Description:Theme or skin created by Aston, a Desktop and Shell replacement for Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista; can be applied to the Windows interface to change the look and feel and add new features; should be stored in the "/Aston/Themes" directory.

ATZ files are created by Aston 1.9.2 and later; they are compressed as a .ZIP archive, which can be decompressed using a standard ZIP decompression utility.
Open Programs: Windows Gladiators Software Aston

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC