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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of RPB, LANG, LIC, IHW, IIP, IDF, INF, INI, INI

File Type:Radmin Phonebook File
File Description:Phonebook file used by Radmin, a remote access program; contains connection information for multiple servers; may include local machines or computers accessed over the Internet.

The Radmin Phonebook file is named "radmin.rpb" by default and is located in the "\Documents and Settings\[userprofile]\Application Data\Radmin\" directory.
Open Programs: Windows Famatech Radmin
File Type:Skype Language File
File Description:Language file used by Skype, a popular online communication program; contains language information that changes the language of the Skype user interface.

LANG files can be loaded within Skype by selecting the "Tools->Change Language" option; they can also be edited by selecting "Tools->Change Language->Edit Skype Language File."
Open Programs: Windows Skype
File Type:Software License
File Description:License file containing registration information for various software programs; commonly used with shareware programs; created once the user has registered his or her software with the company.

The VMware license file (vmware.lic) for Windows is located in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware License Server.
Open Programs: Mac OS Used by the program that created the license file Windows Used by the program that created the license file
File Type:IN-HEH Timeline Workspace
File Description:Saved workspace for IN-HEH Timeline, a program that creates historical and genealogy databases; stores view options such window sizes and positions as well as filters used for filtering what event data is displayed.

IHW files can be loaded by Timeline to recall saved user workspace settings or to switch to another workspace.
Open Programs: Windows IN-HEH Timeline
File Type:ThinAnywhere Configuration File
File Description:Contains settings used to connect to a ThinAnywhere server; may include the remote IP address, login information, window size, and other parameters; can be saved by ThinAnywhere once a successful connection has been established.

IIP files are saved in the "\My Documents\My Connections" directory by default; saved IIP files can be loaded by ThinAnywhere to quickly connect to active servers.

"iIP" is also the name of the protocol ThinAnywhere uses to communicate between the server and client; it supports 128-bit AES encryption for security purposes.
Open Programs: Windows Mercury International Technology ThinAnywhere
File Type:MIDI Instrument Definition File
File Description:Defines the parameters for a specific MIDI instrument, such as a MIDI keyboard or other MIDI controller; provides an instrument ID, patch names (voices), a key map, channel assignments, and other information.

IDF files are usually referenced by audio production programs and typically should not be opened manually.
Open Programs: Mac OS Any text editor
Windows Windows IDF Editor
Any text editor
File Type:Setup File or Installer Script
File Description:Configuration file that defines what files are installed with a certain software program or update; may also list the location of the files and the directories where the files are to be installed.

NOTE: INF files can become infected by viruses so do not attempt to open manually.
Open Programs: Mac OS Used by the installer that includes the .inf file Windows Used by the installer that includes the .inf file
File Type:Windows Initialization File   (Most common)
File Description:Configuration file that contains settings and preferences for Windows programs; partially replaced by the registry database in Windows 95, and more recently by XML files.

INI files can be edited with a text editor, but they typically should not be opened or altered by the user.
Open Programs: Mac OS Parallels Desktop with Windows installed
Windows Not meant to be opened
Can be edited with a text editor
File Type:Gravis UltraSound Bank Setup File
File Description:Contains settings for a Gravis UltraSound sound bank (.FFF file) as well as patch files used by Gravis sound cards.
Open Programs: Windows Gravis GIPC (Gravis to InterWave Patch Converter)
FMJ-Software Awave Studio
File Type:Symbian OS Configuration File
File Description:Configuration file that stores settings and user preferences for the Symbian operating system and installed applications; similar to INI files used by Windows and typically should not be opened manually.

NOTE: Symbian INI files can be edited with a text editor to modify specific settings; however, altering the INI file may cause the operating system or other programs to not function correctly; therefore, be sure to backup the file and only edit the file if you know exactly what to add or change.
Open Programs: Mac OS Editable with a text editor Windows Editable with a text editor

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC