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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of M2S, MSKN, MGM, MAILHOST, EQL, EQP, EUM, ENV, EXP

File Type:Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File
File Description:Theme or skin for the Maxthon 2 Web browser; used to customize the look and feel of the Maxthon browser interface; includes the default settings for the skin and references to images used by the skin.

M2S files support .PNG images, which allows buttons and icons referenced by the skin to use different levels of transparency.
Open Programs: Windows Maxthon 2 Web Browser
File Type:MediaMonkey Skin File
File Description:Theme, or skin, that defines the look and feel of MediaMonkey, a program for organizing and playing music files; contains interface settings for the title bar, status bar, buttons, tabs, and checkboxes.

The default MediaMonkey skin file is named "Theme.mskn," which can be edited with the KSdev theme editor.
Open Programs: Windows Ventis Media MediaMonkey
Edit with the KSdev theme editor
File Type:MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro
File Description:Macro used for automating processes in MGCSoft's Equation Editor/Illustrator program
Open Programs: Windows MGCSoft Equation Illustrator
File Type:MSN Mailhost Settings File
File Description:Stores preferences for the e-mail server used by MSN; installed with MSN software and required for MSN to check and send e-mail; typically named "MSN#.mailhost."

If the Mailhost file is corrupt or missing, the MSN software may display a "Mailhost File" error; to recover the Mailhost file, first select "Run..." from the Windows Start menu; then type the following in the text box:

regsvr32 c:\progra~1\msn\msncorefiles\mailui.dll

This should restore the Mailhost file and allow MSN to communicate with the mail server again.

Also see the related .DOWNLOADHOST entry.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft MSN software
File Type:MathType Settings   (Most common)
File Description:Contains settings for objects used by MathType; i.e. "Toolbar.eql;" may be deleted if corrupt
Open Programs: Mac OS Design Science MathType Windows Design Science MathType
File Type:MathType Preferences
File Description:Contains settings for configuring MathType, a program for writing mathematical equations
Open Programs: Mac OS Design Science MathType Windows Design Science MathType
File Type:Enterprise User Monitor Configuration File
File Description:Stores settings for an Enterprise User Monitor (EUM); may include IP addresses, radio frequencies, and other information for monitoring various devices; can be saved within the WaveRider EUM Configuration Utility and loaded at a later time.
Open Programs: Windows WaveRider EUM Configuration Utility
File Type:WordPerfect Environment
File Description:Used by Corel WordPerfect to store window and palette locations and other settings; can be saved by the user to save different palette layouts, known as environments.
Open Programs: Windows Corel WordPerfect
File Type:SonicWALL Preference File
File Description:Stores configuration information and custom settings for a SonicWALL firewall; may be exported and loaded by another system to transfer firewall settings; named "sonicwall.exp" by default, but can be renamed.

May be created by selecting System->Settings, then clicking "Create Backup Settings" within the SonicWALL management interface.
Open Programs: Windows SonicWALL SonicOS
File Type:BgInfo Configuration File
File Description:Preference file for BgInfo, a utility that keeps track of computer configuration information; stores custom settings chosen by the user within BgInfo.

In order for BGInfo to use a BGI configuration file instead of the default configuration (which is stored in the registry), the name of the file must be specified in the command line; i.e. "BGInfo MyConfig.bgi".

More information about BgInfo is available at Microsoft's TechNet BgInfo page.

BgInfo was originally developed by Sysinternals, which was acquired by Microsoft in July, 2006.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft BgInfo

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC