How to Fix Socket Error 11004

The most common cause of a Socket Error 11004 is a miscommunication. This error indicates that the host trying to be reached does exist, but it can’t be reached for some reason. This can be due to wrong placed data, a bad space character at the end of server name, or it may be a corrupt registry on the PC itself. Socket Error 11004 on your Windows computer is caused by a corrupt file on your Internet settings. This error will stop you from sending or receiving emails. You can use the Windows file checker that came installed on your computer. This software will replace the corrupt file with the correct version.


Method A:


  • Click the “Start” menu and then go to the “All Programs” button.
  • Click the “Accessories” button and then right-click on “Command Prompt.”
  • Click the “Run as administrator” option and enter your administrator password into the field that appears.
  • Type “sfc /scannow” (without the quotation marks) into the Command prompt and press your “Enter” key.
  • Wait for the computer to fix your socket error. A progress bar will be displayed on your computer screen to tell you how far along the process is. Restart the computer after the repair has finished.


Method B:


You can run Smartpcfixer to fix it automatically.

Smartpcfixer is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system settings. You can scan, clean, optimize, and keep your PC much healthier with it!


  • You can download Smartpcfixer here.
  • Just run Smartpcfixer, click ‘quick scan’
  • After the scan is completed, click ‘repair all’ button.