Error 1706 often appears in the form of “Error 1706. Setup cannot find the required files”
When you receive this error, it indicates that there must be something wrong with your installation when you attempt to install or repair Microsoft Office Software. It shows that the setup cannot locate the required files for installation.
In order to fix windows installer error 1706, you really need to find the most effective way.
Smartpcfixer is designed to troubleshoot windows installer error including error 1706, 1603.
If you choose Smartpcfixer, there is no need to worry the problem of window installer update.
This software will help you check and fix windows errors automatically.
Smartpcfixer is a set of tools which is designed to provide the user’s computer system with better optimization, which helps you manage startup items, desktop, browser objects, Internet, system service, Windows optimization, file extensions and so on. With these sophisticated utilities your system is tuned up to run at the optimal state.
How to Fix Windows Installer Error 1706 with SmartpcFixer?
STEP 1 Download Smartpcfixer & Install it. (Note: If the download link doesn’t work you may need to download it from a Download Mirror).
STEP 2 Scan Your PC for Errors.
STEP 3 Click the “Fix All” Button to Repair Your PC.
We can also provide you another method which you can fix it manually.
1.Place the Microsoft Office disc in your CD-ROM drive.
2.Click the Windows logo in the bottom left corner of the desktop. Press the Windows button on your keyboard plus “R” to open the Run utility.
3.Type the following command in the dialog box:
CD-ROM drive:\Setup /a
“CD-ROM” represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive. For example, if your CD-ROM letter drive is “K,” type “K drive:\Setup /a.” Click “OK.”
4.Give the hard drive location for the Office administrative installation in the “Administrative Installation” box.
5.Enter the Product Key and click “Next.” Wait for the installation to complete and click “OK.”
6.Complete the on-screen prompts in the “Use an Alternative Network Administrative Installation” section. This alters the Office source location to the administrative installation on your drive.